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Alina Morse with Zollipops. That teenage CEO 's (pictured) sugar-free candy company had US$6 million in sales when she was thirteen years old?.

That the is named after the mythical Greek giant?. That Turkish television and film actress was once a?. That department store chain, based in, began as a shop for in 1873, and was the first in Central Europe to introduce fixed prices and run a service?. That 's dissertation The Formative Period in Alabama, 1815–1828 earned him a doctorate from and was published in book form?. That ceased to be the reserve of the aristocracy and became 'national literature'?. That in 1946, entomologists and were the first to identify the in Britain?. That joked with on over 's release date?

Martin Luther King giving his 'I Have a Dream' speech. –: During the, the Portuguese commander was captured by the and executed the next day. –, the King of and, was unanimously elected as. – A began, causing a to strike the Earth's that generated that were visible in the. – American civil rights leader delivered his ' ' speech (pictured), envisioning a future in which and would coexist harmoniously as equals.

– Swedish police used gas bombs to end in Stockholm; during the incident the hostages had bonded with their captors, leading to the term '.(d. 919) (d. 1646) (b. 1954). (28 August 1592 – 23 August 1628), was an English courtier, statesman and patron of the arts. He was a and possibly also a lover of King.

Despite a patchy political and military record, Buckingham remained at the height of royal favour for the first three years of the reign of King, until assassinated him.This picture is an oil-on-panel portrait of Buckingham by Dutch painter, produced around 1625. Buckingham commissioned portraits of himself as 'a medium for the cultivation of his personal image'. In this painting, he is depicted with a jacket encrusted with pearls that also hang in ropes across it; it may also contain a reference to his diplomatic coup that year in negotiating the marriage of the future Charles I. At his entry to the French court, he is recorded as wearing a grey velvet suit from which the loosely threaded pearls dropped to the ground as he advanced to make his bow to the queen, to general wonder. The painting is now in the collection of the.Painting credit.

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Backstage Mixtape: A Hard Knock Life

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