Zelda The Wind Waker German Isolationism

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No, your question is great, don’t worry about it! First of all, I think that since every person is different, they have different understanding of what “healthy” means, so the main points can alter a bit. As in, some couples enjoy arguing, both getting good emotions out of it, so for them it’s a way of healthy. As for the main points, there still should be general “rules”. you don’t beat each other up in order to prove anything, that you’re right, that you’re stronger, etc etc. Hitting your partner in a nose with an elbow by accident or playfully LIGHTLY tapping don’t count.

you don’t make up the ideal and then consider whether or not your partner fits in the borders of it. Changing them if they don’t, being angry that they can’t change. The changes in relationships are completely normal, but both go through changes willingly. you listen to each other opinions, trying to understand them if your opinion differs. One doesn’t bully the other no matter how much they disagree. Both should be willing to find a compromise and respect that this other human being that is not me can in fact have a different opinion!.

you talk to each other about something you don’t like instead of forming an inner snowball. If someone did or didn’t do something you have expected them to (or you disagree with), talk it out. Don’t go all gloomy for a week and then spill it all out. Don’t constantly remind someone about what they did 5 years ago and how wrong and horrible it was.

you help and support each other no matter what, and you don’t try to ruin your partner’s passion if you don’t share it. If one wants to do something, to work somewhere, to invest in a hobby they love so much - support them. The support partners give each other can make them grow amazingly.

you don’t lie to each other, but don’t be BRUTALLY honest. If there is something that may hurt your partner but they need to know it, be kind. you seek happiness for your partner, and don’t want to purposefully hurt them and ruin them with your words. YOU RESPECT EACH OTHER. And hopefully, don’t want to use your partner like an object. You value them. I remembered: hang out with your friends and let your partner do the same!

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Don’t be posessive of each other. I can go on forever and I might have missed out something important, because there is so much in my head, but! I wrote the main things I consider important. Also, I’m sorry it sounds so “you do that and you don’t do this”, it’s just the easiest way to form out my thoughts, so! I support sex workers who don’t like sex work. I support sex workers who want out. I support sex workers who have massive critiques of the sexual economy but have decided it’s their best or only option currently.

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I support sex workers who want other options. I support sex workers who treat it as a job. I support sex workers who think it’s their calling (but I don’t support sex workers who start treating workers who DON’T treat it as a sacred calling as if they’re selling themselves short and allowing themselves to be raped or are somehow dirty, get past that lateral whorephobia you entitled little shits). I support sex workers doing it on the side because a living wage is a myth in this country for those not well off and white. I support sex workers dipping in and out as needed for emergencies. I support sex workers who quit and miss it.

I support sex workers who quit and are so fucking glad about it: congratulations! I do not support sex workers who were able to quit and want to continue denying or further render unsafe and vulnerable the remaining population f workers who still need this income to get by, while refusing to admit that their own personal narrative may not be the One Ring of Truth for all sex workers, AND that the options they had for getting out aren’t available to all or even the vast majority of sex workers. Deliberately and systemically unavailable, because options for poor women, indigenous women, uneducated women, trans women, women of colour, working class women, migrant women, and intersections of all of the above, are deliberately kept limited in our capitalist white supremacist society. And denying that is denying reality and buying into an imperialist and misogynist dream world that hates people of colour and women and lgbtqueer people and children and again, all of the above. Work for rights and options, not for carceral solutions that fund police forces through arrest money and civil forfeiture.

Donate to shelters. Feed hungry people. Lobby against TPP and for changed border policies. Support the most marginalized.

Don’t support the oppressors. A recent commission: an illustration of James and Peri (and Reggie), as a wedding gift, with borders of olive and fig leaves and alpine forget-me-nots.

Also some of the sketches I did before starting the final (possibly in part as excuses to draw more of Reggie the dog). James makes incredible ceramics, which you can gaze at on, the colours and their shapes are so vibrant and dynamic and beautiful (and somehow often make me think of abstract fantasy landscapes. Introduction: Wards are constructs, or entities that go through the process of wording a specific area that you set them up to watch over. This form of warding magick is also referred to some times as apotropaic magick, and our ways in which practitioners can turn away negative, or unwanted energies from an area, or space. Wards are like energetic guards that watch over an area.

These wards will target whatever you intend them to, and will turn them away, force it out, or banish them from that area. Wards act as a form of protection to keep that space, or area safe from what is not wanted.

Any space, object, or entity can be worded if you take the time to place one upon it. These Wards can be very complicated, or very simple depending upon what they are needed for.

Wards can be set up for a period, but are primarily used when a construct, space, or entity needs to be protected for an extended period of time. Wards can also be cast whenever protection is needed, and will be able to provide protection for whatever they are warding. This is a very useful skill to learn, and get under your belt so that you can defend yourself, and the spaces around you with the power that you conjure forth with your magick. Difference between warding, and shielding: Warding, and shielding are two different things.

Warding being the act of pushing away specific unwanted energies, and entities, so that they will not be able to enter the perimeter, or be in the area. Where the active shielding is simply setting up a wall in order to stop unwanted energies, and entities from penetrating the perimeter. Shielding is like building a wall between you, and the outside world and warding is like putting guards at that wall. These processes are usually done together, but do not have to be, and are completely exclusive to their practices. Maintaining wards: These wards will have to be maintained through the act of checking over them, recharging them, and/or reconstructing them when they have been in use for a long time, or have been used constantly. These wards will need energy in order to continue doing their job, so finding a source of energy to connect to the wards will allow them to recharge, and continue to work.

This is because they will have an energy source to draw energy from when they get low. Try using an energy source that is renewable, and comes from a process that inherently exists. This will allow your ward to continue on working even when you are not there to give it energy. Using only your own energy to power your wards can leave you fatigued, and allow you to fall into energetic burnout, so remember to know your limits, and to not simply rely on your energy. Find other energy sources that you can use in order to power your wards. In order to connect these other energy sources all you must do is go to the ward in question, and take them in your hand, or place your hand on to them, and relay your intentions through your energy, so that the ward knows where to draw from. You could also go through the act of drawing an energetic line of energy between the source of energy, and the ward in order to allow that source of energy to power the ward.

Good energy sources would be such things as quartz crystals, selenite, or any other high energy vibrational stone, along with candles, energy sigils, sunlight, moonlight, and storm energy, among many other things. It is important that your wards are maintained, and get the energy that they need or else they will not be able to work properly, and will eventually go down. What to ward against, and ward placement. Hadrian’s Wall is the funniest shit. For my American friends not in the know, whenever we talk about Scottish independence, the English will always bring up Hadrian’s Wall, because its a really old border wall that the Roman’s put up when conquering Britain. “We’re gonna rebuild Hadrian’s Wall if you leave! Good luck getting back in!” Because Britain’s an island nation and the English are VERY uncomfortable with sharing an open border with another country.

Of course, this rhetoric has somehow become even MORE popular among English and Welsh conservatives following Trump’s talking points about building a wall to keep the Mexicans out. “We’re gonna rebuild Hadrian’s Wall, and the SCOTTISH are gonna pay for it,” they say, as if they don’t look fucking ridiculous just for that. There’s just one problem. Hadrian’s Wall isn’t actually the border with Scotland. In fact, on a scale of how small Britain is, it isn’t even CLOSE. The bold line in the middle there is Hadrian’s Wall. The line above it is the Scottish border.

The two lines don’t intersect. At they’re closest I think they’re still a few miles apart. And you’ll notice all that handy colour coded land on the bottom?

That’s England. Hadrian’s Wall is entirely in England. A sizeable chunk of England lies between Hadrian’s Wall and the modern English-Scottish border, actually. Because, and this may shock you, England being an Empire has in fact CHANGED its borders since the time an ancient roman wall fell. Conquering Northumberland and what have you. In fact Britain used to be many kingdoms before there was a “Scottish” border, when there was Pictland and stuff, but that’s a whole other topic.

So anyone who knows anything about the situation, whenever we hear the English getting their big “Gotcha!” isolationist talking points out threatening to cut us off, we’re always like “Go ahead! You might want to ask the people of Northumberland how they feel about joining Scotland first though.”. By: mldrgrl Rating: PG13 Summary: Part 2: Returned Chapter 7, Day 10: She can finally go home. She’s getting pretty tired of all the relaxing she’s had to do, but her doctor has given her the all clear to resume her life with the caveat that she take it easy for the next few weeks. Mulder had been at the hospital every day, taking her orders on what she’d like done to her spare room to get it prepared. The most he’s done, as far as she knows, is clear it out and get it painted.

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She spent over two hours looking at paint samples he brought her and finally decided on a very pale shade of mint green, until she looked at the wallpaper and border samples and changed her mind entirely. Mulder finally took both books from her and said he’d handle things.

She’s anxious to see the room, but she’s sick of being cooped up inside and in bed. She wants to be out in the world. When Mulder picks her up, she demands he take her shopping. There’s a Pottery Barn Kids exactly eight blocks away from the hospital. She knows because she scoured the Yellow Pages in her room, looking for the nearest baby store.


“There’s a whole Pottery Barn for kids?” Mulder asks, incredulously. “Exclusively for kids. Like, adult Pottery Barn on one side of the street, and baby Pottery Barn on the other? They can’t just have one integrated Pottery Barn?” As he wheels her out the door and walks with her to the car, drives to the store and parks outside, he comes up with a whole variety of Pottery Barn exclusives that has her rolling her eyes, but laughing. “Pottery Barn Geriatrics,” he says. “Pottery Barn Pets. Pottery Barn Yuppies.

Pottery Barn Sailors. Pottery Barnyard Animals.” “We’re in public,” she tells him outside the store. “Try and behave.”. Much attention has been paid in recent years to Russia’s annexation of Crimea. But Ukraine is not the only place where Russia has exploited ethnic conflicts and disputed territories along its borders.

In the foothills of the Caucasus mountains, 2,500 feet up, Russia is steadily building what it says is a new international border. It’s marked by a hodgepodge of barbed wire fences, large green signs, hastily dug trenches and well-manned checkpoints. Villages are divided by it and people are regularly thrown in jail for crossing it.

But according to most of the world, this border doesn’t exist, and neither does the land it defines — the. The region had its own government, but no enforced border. That changed in 2008. Photos: Claire Harbage/NPR. Hi, quite a lot of you have been messaging me about some of the best study apps for revision and making notes etc. So I thought I would give some recommendations of my favourite study apps. These apps are all free unless stated otherwise, but some do have in-app purchases:) APPS FOR IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY:.: There are loads of different versions of this app, but essentially they all do the same thing.

The Pomodoro technique is when you work for 25 minutes, then take a short break of 5 minutes - then when you have completed x many pomodoros you can take a longer break (15-30 minutes). You can choose whatever times suit you (it’s traditionally 25 work, 5 rest).

It doesn’t work for everyone, but is a good technique that aims to improve productivity. (£0.79): This is an app that helps you work without the distraction of your phone. A seed is planted and then grows into a tree; this takes 30 minutes, and in that time if you go off the app and check twitter or Instagram etc. Then the tree will die. This gives you the motivation and incentive not to check social media or play games on your phone, therefore helping you to study, and have a break from your phone.: Some people work better when there’s background noise. This app offers a range of ambient soundtracks of a cafe that you can play and adjust the sound of to stimulate you to work better.: Similar to Coffitivity, myNoise is a website and app that will play a range of soothing sounds that may help you work better, help you sleep, or just be relaxing to listen to. Micromax canvas 4 live wallpaper free download.

It has sounds like falling rain, bells ringing, white noise etc. You do have to pay for some of the noises in the app though. APPS FOR STUDYING:.: This app is a great all-round study app. You can make notes with Evernote, and add images etc.

To make them more than just chunks of text. You can organise your notes into notebooks, and a great addition is that you can search the text in your notes if you can’t remember exactly where you wrote something. You can also make to-do lists with the app, which is a great way to organise your day and the tasks you have to complete.: This app allows you to make flashcards from you phone/iPad etc. I find this really useful because it’s a lot quicker than making flahscards by hand, and you can do it when you’re on the go, without having to take all the resources like pens/paper etc. Everywhere with you.

Making digital flashcards also means that you can’t lose them, as you could paper flashcards.: This is a similar app to Quizlet. You can make your own flashcards using this app, but you can also download flashcard decks that others have made on cram.com. You can also add images as a prompt on your cards, rather than words.: This is app that allows you to make mind-maps.

This is really useful if you are out and about/on holiday without the resources to make a physical mind-map, and also for the people who find them hard to make, but find looking at them useful. You can add colour to the mind-maps to link ideas and make them stand out, change borders etc. There are certain things you can only do through in-app purchases though.: This is an app in which you can learn a language. I think the great thing about this app is the variety of languages it has to offer - most apps that I have seen focus on: English, French, Spanish, German etc. But Duolingo offers languages like: Ukrainian, Swedish and Danish.: This app helps you learn terminolgy, langugas, anatomy etc.

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It’s a memory app - it tells you what a word means and then uses different types of tests/questions repeatedly to make you learnt he word. There are literally thousands of courses, and the ones I have done so far are pretty good.