Download Program Stock Dan Penjualan

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Sales Stock adalah aplikasi sistem informasi penjualan dengan informasi harga dan stok barang. Terdiri dari tiga menu utama.

Al qaeda nuclear program in argentina During the 1990s, it suffered two deadly bombings orchestrated by Hezbollah and Iran. The first (in 1992) destroyed the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires; the second (in 1994) demolished a Jewish community center in the same city.Speaking of Iran, the head of U.S. Southern Command, General Douglas Fraser, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday and that “Iran continues expanding regional ties to support its own diplomatic goal of reducing the impact of international sanctions connected with its nuclear program. Argentina is especially sensitive to increased terrorist activity in the region.

  1. Download Program Stock Barang
  2. Download Program Stock Dan Penjualan
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Menu Barang digunakan sebagai data master barang, yaitu barang-barang yang akan dijual direcord di menu ini. Menu Stok Update digunakan untuk mencatat perubahan stok barang. Perubahan stok bisa karena ada penambahan atau pembelian barang baru, retur atau pengurangan barang karena rusak, dll. Menu Penjualan merupakan menu transaksi. Penjualan bisa dilakukan multi barang, artinya aplikasi ini dapat melayani lebih dari satu barang untuk satu nomor penjualan.

Total harga otomatis terhitung. Data rincian transaksi dapat dilihat kembali dengan klik record tersebut. Setiap transaksi stok barang akan otomatis terupdate.

Cara Kerja: ☺ Input dulu data barang yang dijual di menu 'Barang' sebagai data master. ☺ Menu 'Stok Update' digunakan untuk merubah stok barang.

☺ Menu 'Penjuala' merupakan menu transaksi, yaitu melayani penjualan dari barang yang sudah diinput di menu 'Barang'. ☺ Untuk info lebih lanjut, silahkan kontak kami atau layanan email ke Sales Stock is the application of information systems sales with pricing and inventory information.


It consists of three main menu. Menu items are used as master data items, ie goods that will be sold direcord in this menu. Menu Stock Update is used to record the change in the stock of goods.

Changes in the stock could be because there are additional or new purchases, returns or reductions due to damaged goods, etc. Menu Sales is the transaction menu.

Sales can be done multiple items, meaning that this application can serve more than one item for a number of sales. The total price is automatically calculated. Data transaction details can be retrieved by clicking the record. Each transaction of stock items will be automatically updated. Ways of working: ☺ first input data items for sale in the 'Goods' as master data. ☺ Menu 'Stock Update' is used to change the stock of goods.

Download Program Stock Barang

☺ Menu 'Penjuala' a menu of transactions, that serve the sales of goods that have been inputted in the 'Goods'. ☺ For more info, please contact us or email to

Download Program Stock Dan Penjualan

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